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Did you get the results?

Congratulations to all School leavers!


Another academic year is over, and Bumble Print would love to wish students the very best for their chosen career / education journeys!

According to the latest statics, top results are on the rise despite tougher exams, but please do remember, results are not everything! In fact, some of the top celebrities did not do as well on exams as expected. This blog post will explore high figure profiles who did not get the grades, but stuck with it, in order to create the best of themselves – and you too can follow their footsteps!


Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga actually dropped out of college at the age of 19 in order to focus on her musical career, to date, she has won over 200 music awards! She had a clear ambition, stuck with it, and created something magical – she was certainly ‘Born this Way’!



This famous raped, had dropped at of school at the age of 17 – this was so he could get a job to help his mother who was struggling to pay bills. As the famous quote goes “Karma always repays itself”. For a school leaver he has sure done well, with an estimated value of £144 million.


Bill Gates

Way back In 1975, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft had dropped out of Harvard university in order to start his own company – that company is now worth over 60 billion pounds!


Russell Brand

Russel Brand, now a famous comedian and politics ranter. He had failed to achieve any A Levels back in his education days, but his view point is well respected and listened to by many.


Jeremy Clarkson

Well, his latest tweets says it all really! “If your A level results are disappointing, don’t worry. I got a C and two Us, and I’m currently on a superyacht in the Med”.

So just remember, if you did not get the results you hoped for in your exams, it is not the end of the world – success isn’t marked via a ‘Grade’ it is marked from ambition and self-worth.

If you are struggling with what to do with yourself now, why not take a look at our ‘resellers program’ – we will help you start your own website design / hosting company – after-all, success is marked on your own achievements, and we want to be apart of your journey to guide you on the right path.

Remember, you do not need the best grades to create the best you.

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